During this time, lifeboat number 3 is being launched with only 32 people onboard. Steam stops venturing from the funnels as lifeboat number 9 is lowered to A deck windows. Some crew members on the poop deck telephone the bridge to notify them of the lifeboats in the water.
Some stokers rush up the grand staircase, scaring some passengers. Harold Bride suggests to Jack Phillips to start sending the SOS distress call, and he makes a joke and remarks 'This might be the last time we get to use it.' Fourth Officer Boxhall fires the first distress rocket in an attempt to get the attention of the ship on the horizon. Lifeboat number 5 is lowered with 35 passengers onboard the lifeboat has trouble lowering and starts to tilt, scaring the passengers. This door is left open throughout the sinking it was opened to help in loading the lifeboats. Lightoller orders the crew to open the D deck gangway door on the port side.
During this time Carpathia also responds to Titanic's distress calls, and Harold Bride reports this to the bridge while the German ship, Frankfurt, also responds. 12:40-1:00 am - The SS Mount Temple has received Titanic’s distress call and responded to the call alerting Titanic that she’s on her way this ship is the first to make way for the sinking Titanic.